Gradient Architecture


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Gradient ArchitectureView

Ben Krone wins distinguished teaching award — 05.14.2018

Ben Krone founder of Gradient wins the Perkins distinguished teaching award at Upenn School of Design. The award is given to one standing and one non standing facuilty member each year. The award recognizes teachers with consistent positive student feedback from courses. 


Gradient Wins town of Geneva NY shade competition — 05.23.2017

Gradient wins competition to build its bubble canopy on Lake Seneca in the finger lakes region of NYS. The canopy is in development and expected to be installed early fall 2017


Gullivers Gate Progress — 05.12.2017

Gradients airport and exhibition design for Gullivers Gate future world is underway. The airport is about 40% complete and getting some good initial reviews! 


NY YIMBY recognizes Gradient — 08.11.2015

Gradient's new Long Island City Hotel was picked up by the website YIMBY as well as Curbed. Check it out!


Who's Who of Brooklyn Design — 12.03.2014

Ben Krone of Gradient Architecture was featured in Brooklyn Magazine's feature article, A Who's Who of Brooklyn Design.


Ben and Jaime Featured in New York Times — 10.08.2014

The New York Times Great Homes and Destinations features the 123 House in Red Hook Brooklyn both online and in print. We are thrilled to have our hard work recognized. 



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Gradient was founded by Ben Krone in Brooklyn, New York in 2006. Originally conceived as a design collective exploring the intersections of graphic art and architecture, Gradient Architecture PLLC, is now a full service architecture and design firm specializing in cost effective means for producing high-end design through the use of computer-aided precision tools and manufacturing processes.


Gradient employs a philosophy of design that focuses heavily on process and operates free of limitations of project scale or typology. We believe that good design emerges from a thoughtful collaboration between client, architect, builder, and craftsperson. In all of our undertakings we seek to shape the client’s vision to the singularity of each site to create inspirational and compelling work with an emphasis on craft, materiality, and innovation.


Ben Krone, AIA, Principal and Founder

Since founding Gradient in 2006, Ben has designed and constructed a wide range of projects and exhibitions, including art installations, high end residences, restaurants, and boutique hotels. Previous to establishing Gradient, Ben spent seven years with SHoP Architects where he held a leading role on a number of high profile projects including the Virgin Atlantic First Class Lounge at JFK and three residential developments in New York City ranging in size from 15,000 to 50,000 square feet. Ben holds a Master of Architecture from Columbia University, where he was the recipient of the McKim Prize for Excellence in Design and the Sol Kaplan Traveling Fellowship. He also holds a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Florida. Ben currently teaches at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Design and has also taught at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Preservation and Planning. He is a registered architect in the State of New York.
Jaime Krone, Director, Exhibition Design

After receiving her Master's Degree in Architecture from the Boston Architectural College, Jaime migrated into the field of exhibition design where she has been dedicated for the past 15 years. She has held a number of design and production management positions in some of the top art institutions in the United States, and helps art direct and produce exhibiton design environments within Gradient. Jaime also currently serves as the Director, Exhibtion Design at the Guggenheim Museum where she has played a lead role on exhibitions such as Maurizio Cattelan: All, On Kawara–Silence, and James Turrell. She has also served as the Senior Production Manager at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and worked intimately on Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology for the Costume Institute in the Spring of 2016. Jaime also holds a Bachelor's Degree of Civil Engineering from Bucknell University.

Peter Hanby, AIA, Project Architect

Pete has been a frequent collaborator with Gradient Architecture since 2009, and joined the office full time in 2015. Prior to joining Gradient, he was involved with the design of several high end custom residences - notably at Olson Kundig and Hutker Architects. With a background in both architecture and landscape, he has contributed to a diverse range of projects, including urban plazas, streetscapes, institutional renovations, and ground up residences. Pete holds a Master of Architecture and a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a recipient of the F. Schenk-Henry Gillette Woodman Scholarship, and a BA in Biology from Colby College. He is a registered architect in the State of New York.

Hans Villamayor, Project Architect

Hans joined the Gradient office full time in 2016, after working on the Gulliver's Gate Airport. He has worked part-time under OOAA, alongside the artist firm POSTWEST, and the exhibit-design group MOEY INC. Well-versed in graphics, digital modeling and parametrics, he is specialized in digitally-generated design. He received his Bachelor of Architecture degree from NJIT, where he was a recepient of the International Presidential Scholarship, and was awarded the Comprehensive Studio Award upon graduation. When the office is empty apart from him, his oddly-amorphous name changes to "Hans Solo." Conversely, when he is absent from the office, his name becomes "Hans-free."

Wilee, Dog

Wilee specializes in eating the same dinner every night and barking at nothing. He once chewed through a wall.


Gradient Architecture

119 8th Street, Suite 207

Brooklyn, NY 11215


P 917 463 3392


Site Design by WAX Studios

Site Development by Graybits